November 9, 2022, 8:30 am – 10:00 am via Zoom
A side event during the 2022 ECOSOC FfD Forum Follow-up
Exploring Digital Finance’s Real Promises and Challenges for Development
April 27, 2022, 8:00 am – 9:30 am by Zoom
Event Flyer

A side event during the 2022 ECOSOC FfD Forum Follow-up
Financing for Universal and Crisis-Responsive Social Protection and Decent Jobs: Proposals of 2021 UN Inter-Agency Working Group.
April 26, 2022, 8:00 am – 9:30 am by Zoom
Event Concept Note
Event Flyer
Consultation with NGOs and Civil Society organizations
March 11, 2021, 8:30 am – 10:15 am
Financing for development in the era of COVID-19 and beyond Cluster 2: socio-economic response: social protection, gender, youth, health, education, and human rights.

The Recovery We want: For People and Planet
A virtual briefing and interactive discussion in preparation for the 2021 ECOSOC FfD Forum
January 15, 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Event Concept Note
Event Summary Notes
A side event during the 2021 HLPF
July 14, 2020, 8 am – 9:30 am
Overcoming systemic vulnerabilities and financing challenges for a fairer and sustainable future- intentional collaborative actions to address hunger, unemployment and healthcare in the context of COVID-19 .
Event Flyer and concept note
Event link posted on the UN HLPF website
A side event during the 58th Session of the Commission on Social Development
Youth Homelessness: Interrogating Policy Gaps and Legislative Vacuum

A discourse on policies and legislation addressing youth homelessness, facilitated by a panel of experts and practitioners.
Event Flyer
Breakfast briefing and Interactive Discussion on the Road to the 2020 ECOSOC Forum on FfD Follow-Up

The title of the UN press release following the General Assembly High Level Dialogue on Financing for Development on September 26, 2019 was “Declining levels of official development assistance (ODA) and rising levels of debt are impeding the world’s ability to pay for the Sustainable Development Goals and address the negative impacts of climate change, particularly in Africa and among small island developing States.” It speaks of the urgency for re-focused, targeted and strengthened efforts to meet the SDGs.
Concept Note
The Crucial Role of Youth in Financing for Development

A youth-led and youth focused discussion on young people as key stakeholders in financing for development.
Event Flyer
Concept Note
Event Recording
Implementing and Financing Social Protection: Finding the Political Will

The objective of this side-event was to address the challenges to implementing social protection systems including floors, and to increase understanding of how women- and child-sensitive social protection – including in a migration context – will empower women, promote gender equality, and contribute to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals as well as the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.
Event Flyer
Concept Note
IMF World Bank Spring Meeting

Financial Inclusion to Financial Sustainability– Empowering Women in South Asia and across the Globe
The objective of the session is to share information and have an open dialogue about the challenges to achieving the goal and progress made through financial inclusion strategies to ensure inclusive growth, improved livelihood, and income equality. South Asia will be the primary case study of the session. In recent years, the region has made noteworthy progress through the announcement of important policies, but implementation continues to remain a challenge. Now is the time to identify the remaining barriers to financial inclusion and weave a coherent strategy to address them.
Event Flyer
Concept Note
Financing for Development Forum

Privatization of public goods and services: Human Rights implications
The objectives of the panel were to generate substantive discussion on the topic, share concrete examples were private finance initiative model has proven to be efficient and less expensive in financing hospitals, schools and other public infrastructure than public financing, where legislation has been successful in ensuring access to public goods were ensured as human rights, propose measures to ensure the necessary checks and balances are in place so that public good continues to offer equal opportunities and equal access for all.
Event Flyer
Concept Note

Financing Social Protection: Finding the Political Will
The objectives of the panel are to generate substantive discussion and propose concrete measures to address the challenges to financing and implementing social protection systems including floors. Panelists will highlight initiatives taken at the highest level resulting in actions, policy changes and innovative partnerships at the national level leading to effective financing and implementation of social protection programs. The panel will also show-case success stories of multi-level collaboration leading to successful implementation.
Event Flyer
Concept Note

Financial Inclusion to Financial Stability: Effective strategies and partnerships leading to inclusive growth, improved livelihood and income equality
The objective of the panel is to share progress made by financial inclusion strategies leading to financial
health, community health and well-being of the most marginalized. The panel, will share case studies
and insight on the work done through unique partnerships, evidence based policy making and big data to ensure effective implementation of financial inclusion strategies.
Event Flyer
Concept Note
Breakfast Briefing and Interactive Discussion on the 2019 Financing for Development Forum Follow-up

An interactive dialogue on the 2019 Financing for Development Forum Follow-up.
Event Flyer
Events during ECOSOC FfD Follow-up Forum Sponsored by the NGO Committee on FfD:

Domestic & International Financial Instruments for Financing Universal Social Protection
This event will take stock of the latest development in
financing Universal Social Protection, including Floors,
and discuss the responses to the following questions:
· What is the current situation of social protection
financing worldwide?
· How can governments ensure adequate national
fiscal resources to sustainably finance universal
social protection (SDG 1.3)?
· How can social protection spending be protected in
times of economic crisis?
· How might the United Nations Financing for
Development Forum encourage initiatives to
institute, foster, deepen and protect financing for
universal social protection around the world?
Event Flyer

“Tackling Illicit Financial Flows: Time to Drop False Solutions & Embrace Real Change“
This side-event aims to
Explore policy measures which will narrow the implicit
and explicit differences in definition and measurement of
IFFs which undermine efforts to curtail IFFs
Share experiences of how the national and continental
level efforts in the Global South to enhance DRM are
being impacted by IFFs and discuss the main
obstacles to progress, with emphasis on the role of
secrecy jurisdictions and tax havens
Problematize recent international initiatives and the
dominance of certain institutions, and map out concrete pathways for the establishment of an UN intergovernmental tax commission.
Event Flyer

“Financial Inclusion to Financial Stability: Linkages that Work Toward Income Inequality Reduction, Poverty Alleviation, & Shrinking the Gender Gap
The objective of the panel, organized by the NGO
Committee on Financing for Development, is to share
progress made by financial inclusion strategies in
reducing income inequality, alleviating poverty and
shrinking the gender gap. The Consultative Group to
Assist the Poor (CGAP) states that there is still a lack of
clarity about the specific ways in which financial inclusion
promotes income equality and reduces poverty – though
recent user studies in individual developing countries are beginning to offer important clues. The panel, will share
case studies and insight on progress being made,
measures taken to shrink the gender gap in financial
inclusion and address challenges specific to rural
communities such as limited financial tools available to
help micro-enterprises to grow to Small and Medium
Event Flyer
Economic Empowerment of Rural Women through Access to Innovative Financing and Effective Partnerships: A CSW62 Side Event

The objectives of the panel, is to generate
substantive discussion about the effectiveness of
the financial services available to rural women to
meet their needs and to enhance their ability to
positively impact the welfare of their family,
community and businesses. The panel will share
examples of successful strategies and propose
measures to improve rural women’s access to
innovative financial products, services, and
partnerships that can empower them to start and
grow businesses, to strengthen their contribution
to their community as producers and free
themselves from a life of poverty.
Event Flyer
Financing Universal Social Protection to Promote Inclusive Development and Reduce Inequality: A IMF/World Bank Civil Society Policy Forum Panel Session

This event wishes to offer insights into how international financial
institutions and other global initiatives can support universal social
protection systems and floors (SDG 1.3)
Event Flyer
Financial Inclusion as a tool for the empowerment of women and poverty eradication: A CSW61 Side Event

The objectives of the panel is to generate substantive discussions around the topic of financial inclusion as a tool for women’s empowerment and poverty eradication. The expectation is that the panel, comprised of representative(s) from a non-governmental organization, member state (s), UNFFD office or the World Bank and private sector, would share their perspective and experiences to validate that financial inclusion is an important tool for empowerment of women and poverty eradication.
Event Flyer
Concept Note
Financing Universal Social Protection in Developing Countries

1. Raise visibility of new international discourse at the UN (Financing for Development) on financing social protection in which IMF and World Bank participate at ED and staff levels,
2. Encourage CSO advocacy at home for universal, sustainable and adequate social protection, and
3. Encourage further research and policy development on sustained, assured and adequate means for financing universal social protection.
Event Flyer
World Bank/IMF Spring Meeting: Impact Investment as a Tool for Social Development

The Civil Society Policy Forum to the World Bank Group / IMF 2017 Spring Meetings will take place at the IMF
Headquarters in Washington DC from April 18 to April 21 2017. To promote discussion on innovative tools of
nancing for development, the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development along with the NGO Committee on Financing for Development and the NGO Committee on Social Development will be jointly holding a
side event entitled. “Impact Investment as a Tool for Social Development”. GFDD and the Committees
believe that the full participation of all stakeholders- the UN, civil society, public sector, academia and private
sector- is crucial to the success of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Concept Note
Event Flyer
Press Release & Presentations
Panel Discussion at the World Bank during the Civil Society Policy Forum

On Wednesday 13 April 2016 from 2:00 – 3:30 pm, the NGO Committees on FfD and Social Development hosted a ‘Panel Discussion at the World Bank during the Civil Society Policy Forum’ in Washington DC.
A central question addressed, was: How the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the
Paris Climate Agreement can serve as instruments to reduce inequalities and encourage
a people-centered approach to strengthening social development and care for the
future of our planet?
Financing Tools for Reducing Social Inequalities
Herman slides for Apr 13
IMF Presentation
Mani-Spring Meetings
Additional Events
NGO Committee on FfD Events 2017:
The 2017 ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development follow-up (FfD Forum) took place from 22 to 25 May 2017 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. During the FfD Forum, the NGO Committee, as a founding member of the Civil Society Financing for Development (FfD) Group (including the Women’s Working Group on FfD), held a number of side events including “International Cooperation in Tax Matters: Pathways for an Intergovernmental Tax Body” on Monday 22 May; “Pushing the boundaries of Official Development Assistance: challenges and opportunities” on Tuesday 23 May; “Public-private interfaces” and “Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in Development Finance” on Wednesday 24 May; and “Critical and emerging issues in FfD: Opportunities for a multiyear planning framework” on Thursday 25 May.
NGO Committee on FfD Events 2016:
On 29 March 2016 the NGO Committee on FfD hosted an
Advocacy Workshop entitled The How To, Best Practices and More
led by Eileen Reilly and Winifred Doherty
In accordance with the Addis Agenda, the Secretary-General convened an inter-agency task force to (i) review progress in implementing the FfD outcomes and the means of implementation of the SDGs, and (ii) advise the intergovernmental follow-up process on progress, implementation gaps and recommendations for corrective action, while taking into consideration the national and regional dimensions. On 8 March 2016 the NGO Committee on FfD submitted its recommendations to the Task Force: FfD Interagency Task Force recommendations
On 4 February 2016, at the Commission on Social Development, with the NGO Committee on Social Development and the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development, our committee co-sponsored an event entitled Financing Tools for Reducing Social Inequalities.
NGO Committee on FfD Events 2015:
On July 15, 2015 at the Third International Conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa Ethiopia, 0ur committee co-sponsored a Side Event entitled:
Unlocking people’s capacity as a means of implementation: The human face of Financing for Development
On May 22, 2015 our committee co-sponsored an event with the NGO Committee on Social Development and the Global Foundation (GFDD) entitled “Do we have the courage to Put People and Planet First? The challenges of financing for development”.
NGO Committee on FfD Events 2014:
The pros and cons of partnerships and private sector’s growing role in the Post-2015 Development Agenda
With Barbara Adams, Senior Policy Advisor at the Global Policy Forum Thursday, October 2, 2014, from 1:00 – 3:00 pm at Baha’i International.
Event details here: Partnerships in Post 2015
Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7aQtJ9pp-A&feature=youtu.be
PowerPoint: Barbara Adams on Partnerships Oct 2014
Ideas for Implementing the Post-2015 Development Agenda:
Discussion with Chantal Line Carpentier of UNCTAD on Wednesday September 3, 2014 from 2:00 – 3:00 pm at Church Center. New sustainable development goals will be useless unless Civil Society works together to ensure adequate funding. Details here: NGO FfD event Sept 3 2014